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The archetype of the apocalypse. Analysing the pandemics of racism,COVID-19 and climate change
Authors:William K. Grevatt
Affiliation:Los Angeles, USA
Abstract:What we are witnessing in the present time in human history, in the 2020’s, is a vortex of intersecting pandemics – jolting revelations that are unfolding with a terrific energy and force – so much so that we cannot ignore them or escape them. These include the world-wide pandemics of racism, COVID-19 and climate change. This paper argues that all of these swirling pandemics are manifestations of the archetype of the apocalypse, which is constellating now in a very powerful way. Any one of these phenomena could swallow humanity whole as a species. Together they represent a seemingly overwhelming challenge for us to meet over the next century of life on earth. If humanity cannot meet the challenge of these combined negative forces, it could simply perish. A multi-layered intersecting set of challenges such as this has never yet occurred in human history. We must therefore be very alert to what is going on, and as to how we can consciously mediate these threats, both individually and collectively. It also presents an unprecedented opportunity for humanity to evolve and grow psychologically both individually and collectively, nationally and globally.
Keywords:apocalypse  archetype  climate change  pandemic  racial complex  racism  revelation  apocalypse  révélation  complexe racial  racisme  pandémie  changement climatique  archétype  Apokalypse  Enthüllung  Rassenkomplex  Rassismus  Klimawandel  Archetyp  apocalisse  rivelazione  complesso razziale  razzismo  pandemia  cambiamento climatico  archetipo  апокалипсис  откровение  расовый комплекс  расизм  пандемия  изменение климата  архетип  apocalipsis  revelación  complejo racial  racismo  pandemia  cambio climático  arquetipo  启示录  揭示  族情结  种族  流行病  气候变化  原型
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