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Essential anxiety: COVID-19 in analytic practice
Authors:Kristina Schellinski
Affiliation:Geneva, Switzerland
Abstract:This paper explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on my relationship with analysands and my inner world. I reflect on the role of the archetypal Self during times of existential anxiety that may lead to an experience of ‘essential anxiety’. This term refers to a meeting by a fearful ego with an inward recognition of the Self, when faced with threat. The efforts to curb the spread of the pandemic changed our ways of life, while the virus itself threatened our existence in debilitating or outright destructive ways. But what also came into view, in sessions of analysis and supervision, was the creative instinct, and a celebration of life. The soul-to-soul relationship, and the connection with images of the archetypal Self, made the experience of existential anxiety at times an essential experience that facilitated psychological growth. I discuss some advantages of on-line Jungian analysis where, despite distance and partial view, the body still serves as container to hold important psychological material, conferring a sense of wholeness for analyst and analysand. The COVID-19 crisis is terrible and terrifying but it also provides an opportunity for self-regulation and individuation.
Keywords:anxiety  archetypal Self  body-as-container  COVID-19  dreams  essential anxiety  existential anxiety  individuation  Jung  on-line Jungian analysis  on-line work  spiritual  angoisse  angoisse existentielle  angoisse essentielle  Soi archétypal  le corps en tant que contenant  analyse en ligne  Jung  spirituel  rêves  COVID-19  analyse Jungienne en ligne  individuation  Ängstlichkeit  essentielle Angst  archetypisches Selbst  Körper als Container  Online-Arbeit  Jung  spirituell  Träume  COVID-19  Jungianische Online-Analyse  Individuation  angoscia  angoscia esistenziale  angoscia essenziale  Sé archetipico  corpo come contenitore  lavoro online  Jung  spirituale  sogni  COVID-19  analisi junghiana online  individuazione  тревога  экзистенциальная тревога  сущностная тревога  архетипическая Самость  тело как контейнер  онлайн работа  Юнг  духовное  сновидения  ковид-19  онлайн анализ  индивидуация  ansiedad  ansiedad existencial  ansiedad esencial  Sí MIsmo arquetípico  cuerpo-como-contenedor  trabajo online  Jung  espiritual  sueños  COVID-19  análisis Junguiano online  individuación  焦虑  存在焦虑  基本焦虑  原型  自性  身体容器  线上工作  荣格  灵性    COVID-19  在线荣格分析  自性化
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