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Abstract:The Assurance of Things Hoped for: A Theology of Christian Faith, Avery Dulles The Roman Catholics (Denominations in America 6),-Patrick W. Carey The Sociology of Sacred Texts, Jon Davies and Isabel Wollaston (eds) Guilt and Healing, Wilfred McGreal, Geoffrey Chapman The Fatherhood of God from Origen to Athanasius, Peter Widdicombe A Shared Search: Doing Theology in Conversation with One's Friends, Maurice F. Wiles In Her Words: Women's Writings in the History of Christian Thought, Amy Oden Jesus Christ for Today's World, Jurgen Moltmann Space-Like Time: Consequences of, Alternatives to and Arguments Regarding the Theory that Time is Like Space, F. M. Christensen Mirrors of Celestial Grace: Patristic Theology in Spenser's Allegory, Harold L. Weatherby Heidegger and Christianity (The Hensley Henson Lectures 1993-4), John Macquarrie Open to Judgement: Sermons and Addresses, Rowan Williams, Darton, Longman & Todd
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