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Sensory information affords exploration of posture in newly walking infants and toddlers
Authors:Jason S. Metcalfe  Jane E. Clark  
Abstract:The development of posture and locomotion provides a valuable window for understanding the ontogeny of perception-action relations. In this study, 13 infants were examined cross-sectionally while standing quietly either hands-free or while lightly touching a contact surface. Mean sway amplitude results indicate that infants use light touch for sway attenuation (≈28–40%) as has been seen previously with adults (Jeka & Lackner, 1994). Additionally, while using the contact surface, movement patterns of the head and trunk show reduced temporal coordination (≈25–40%), as well as increased temporal variability, as compared to no touch conditions. These findings are discussed with regard to the ontogeny of perception-action relations, with the overall conclusion that infants use somatosensory information in an exploratory manner to aid in the development of an accurate internal model of upright postural control.
Keywords:Posture   Development   Perception-action   Exploration   Infancy
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