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Associations between prenatal substance exposure,prenatal violence victimization,unintended pregnancy,and trauma exposure in childhood in a clinical setting
Authors:Emily M. Cohodes  Dylan G. Gee  Alicia F. Lieberman
Affiliation:1. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut;2. Child Trauma Research Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco, California
Abstract:Given the importance of early prevention and intervention strategies for children exposed to trauma, detection of early risk factors for exposure to traumatic events in childhood is critical. The present study examined associations between three known prenatal risk factors that characterize environmental instability in utero—prenatal substance exposure, prenatal violence victimization, and unintended pregnancy—and child exposure to interparental violence and other adverse experiences in a sample of 198 mother–child dyads (M child age = 44.48 months) referred to a hospital clinic for treatment following exposure to trauma. Prenatal substance and violence exposure were associated with child trauma exposure, and prenatal violence victimization was also associated with maternal severity ratings of traumatic exposures. Unintended pregnancy was not associated with child trauma exposure or severity. These findings expand our understanding of prenatal risk factors for trauma exposure in childhood and, specifically, highlight prenatal substance exposure and violence victimization as risk factors for subsequent exposure to trauma in early childhood. Results suggest that prenatal prevention and intervention programs should target reducing maternal substance use and in-utero exposure to violence.
Keywords:prenatal risk factors  prenatal substance exposure  prenatal violence victimization  preschool-age children  trauma  unintended pregnancy  factores de riesgo prenatales  estar expuesto a sustancias prenatalmente  la victimización prenatal de la violencia  embarazo no intencional  trauma  niños en edad prescolar  facteurs de risque prénatal  exposition à des substances toxiques avant la naissance  victimisation liée à la violence prénatale  grossesse involontaire  trauma  petite enfance  pränatale Risikofaktoren  pränatale Drogenexposition  pränatale Gewalterfahrung  ungewollte Schwangerschaft  Trauma  Kinder im Vorschulalter  胎児期の危険因子  胎児期の薬物暴露  胎児期の暴力虐待  予期せぬ妊娠  トラウマ  就学前児童  產前風險因素  產前物質使用  產前暴力受害  意外懷孕  創傷  學齡前兒童  الكلمات الرئيسية: عوامل الخطر قبل الولادة  التعرض لمواد ما قبل الولادة  الإيذاء أثناء الولادة  الحمل غير المقصود  الصدمة النفسية  الأطفال في سن ما قبل المدرسة
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