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Aversive and appetitive electrodermal classical conditioning using pictures as stimuli
Authors:Redondo Jaime  Méndez Amavia
Affiliation:Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. j.redondo@usc.es
Abstract:The principal goal of this study was to verify whether it was possible to obtain both aversive and appetitive electrodermal classical conditioning, using pictures as conditioned stimuli (CS), and unconditioned stimuli (US). Additionally, we tried to verify whether, as a consequence of such conditioning, diminution of the unconditioned response (UR) was observed. With this aim, IAPS (?International Affective Picture System?) pictures were selected as stimuli. A picture showing a burnt face was used as the aversive US (USav), and a picture showing a scene with erotic content was used as the appetitive US (USap). As the aversive CS (CSav), and appetitive CS (CSap), two images with intermediate values of valence and arousal showing male faces were selected. In the experimental group, 10 CSav/USav and 10 CSap/USap trials were presented. In the control group 10 CSav, CSap, USav, and USap trials were presented in pseudorandom order. Skin conductance response (SCR) elicited by both the CSs and the USs was scored. Results showed aversive conditioning, but neither appetitive conditioning nor UR diminution. Problems to obtain conditioning using pictures as stimuli and possible options to overcome them in future research are discussed.
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