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Positive gain spirals at work: From job resources to work engagement, personal initiative and work-unit innovativeness
Authors:Jari J. Hakanen  Riku Perhoniemi  Salla Toppinen-Tanner
Affiliation:Centre of Expertise for Work Organizations, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Topeliuksenkatu 41 a A, FI-00250 Helsinki, Finland
Abstract:The present cross-lagged panel study aimed to investigate the energizing power of job resources and related gain spirals. Drawing on Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources (COR) theory’s rarely tested assumptions of cumulative resource gains and gain spirals a reciprocal process was expected: (1) job resources lead to work engagement and work engagement leads to personal initiative (PI), which, in turn, has a positive impact on work-unit innovativeness, and (2) work-unit innovativeness leads to PI, which has a positive impact on work engagement, which finally predicts future job resources. The study was based on a two-wave 3-year panel design among 2555 Finnish dentists. Structural equation modeling was employed to study cross-lagged associations. The results mainly confirmed our hypotheses: positive and reciprocal cross-lagged associations were found between job resources and work engagement and between work engagement and PI. In addition, PI had a positive impact on work-unit innovativeness over time.
Keywords:Job resources   Work engagement   Personal initiative   Innovativeness   Positive psychology   Well-being at work   Conservation of resources theory   Cross-lagged panel analysis   Dentists
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