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The Nature of Physical Reality
Authors:John Polkinghorne
Institution:Cambridge University
Abstract:This account of the dynamical theory of chaos leads to a metaphysical picture of a world with an open future, in which the laws of physics are emergent-downward approximations to a more subtle and supple reality and in which there is downward causation through information input as well as upward causation through energy input. Such a metaphysical picture can accommodate both human and divine agency.
Keywords:antireductionism  chaos  Bernard d'Espagnat  determinism  downward causation  emergence  Austin Farrer  Mitchell Feigenbaum  fractals  God of the gaps  Mandelbrot set  Donald MacKay  mechanism  mind and matter  J¨rgen Moltmann  A  R  Peacocke  process thought  quantum theory  reductionism  A  N  Whitehead
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