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Consequences of Repeated Critical Versus Neutral Body Checking in Women With High Shape or Weight Concern
Authors:D Catherine Walker  Sasha Gorrell  Tom Hildebrandt  Drew A Anderson
Institution:Union College;University of California, San Francisco;Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai;University at Albany, State University of New York
Abstract:Body checking is a repeated behavior conducted in an attempt to gain information about one’s shape, weight, size, or body composition. Body checking is associated with negative behavioral, emotional, and cognitive outcomes and may maintain body dissatisfaction and eating disorders. The precise function and consequences of body checking remain less well understood. Specifically, immediate and delayed impacts of repeated critical body checking (CBC) have not been determined. The current study randomly assigned 142 young women with high shape/weight concern to daily 10-min CBC, neutral body checking (NBC), or a non-body critical checking (NBCC) comparison condition, examining their immediate and delayed (one-week follow-up) effects on body satisfaction, self-esteem, and negative affect. Multilevel modeling and follow-up planned comparisons found that compared to NBCC, CBC participants’ body satisfaction and self-esteem immediately decreased, but negative affect improved from baseline to follow-up. Compared to CBC, NBC participants’ self-esteem and negative affect improved immediately, and their self-esteem improved over time compared to NBCC. Over time, all participants’ state body satisfaction improved, regardless of condition. Our findings suggest a 10-min CBC session may function differently than typical (harmful) in vivo body checking. However, reasons for this difference are unclear. Additional research is needed to distinguish (harmful) in vivo body checking from CBC procedures such as this and other mirror exposure interventions. Research is needed to examine the effects of varying CBC duration and instructions during body exposure to further clarify mechanisms of change during body exposures.
Keywords:mirror exposure  body checking  body image  eating disorder
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