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Using a multidimensional scaling approach to investigate the underlying basis of ease of learning judgments
Abstract:Jönsson, F. U. & Lindström, B. R. (2009) Using a multidimensional scaling approach to investigate the underlying basis of ease of learning judgments. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 103–108. Before studying a material it is of strategic importance to first assess its difficulty, so called Ease of Learning (EOL) judgments. A multidimensional scaling (MDS) procedure was used to investigate the underlying basis of EOL judgments for 24 nouns, which to the authors’ knowledge has not been done before. In addition, Judgments of Learning (JOL) followed by a free recall test was performed. The MDS analysis indicated that EOL judgments for the nouns are based on multiple cues (dimensions), namely word length, frequency, and concreteness. Moreover, the concreteness values of the nouns, as judged by an independent group, were correlated with both the JOLs and the concreteness dimension from the MDS analysis. This indicates that EOLs and JOLs for single words are based, to some extent, on the same cues.
Keywords:Ease of learning judgments  judgments of learning  metamemory  multidimensional scaling
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