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引用本文:余婕,陈有国. 时空干扰效应:基于贝叶斯模型的解释[J]. 心理科学进展, 2023, 31(4): 597-607. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2023.00597
作者姓名:余婕  陈有国
作者单位:西南大学心理学部, 重庆 400715
基金项目:重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(cstc2021jcyj- msxmX0758)、教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(19YJC190002)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(SWU1909444)资助
摘    要:时空干扰效应是指时间知觉受空间信息干扰或空间知觉受时间信息干扰而出现错觉的现象。部分研究认为时空干扰是不对称的,空间对时间的干扰总是更大;还有研究认为时间和空间相互干扰的强度受实验因素影响,一般来说,空间对时间的干扰更大,但时间也能对空间产生同等程度甚至更大的干扰。在回顾隐喻理论和量值理论的主要观点之后,重点分析贝叶斯模型对时空干扰效应的解释,最后提出未来研究应关注的三个问题,即拓展贝叶斯模型对时空干扰效应的解释范围,探明基于贝叶斯推断的时空干扰神经机制和探索时空干扰的调控方法。

关 键 词:时空干扰效应  贝叶斯模型  量值理论  隐喻理论

Spatiotemporal interference effect: An explanation based on Bayesian models
YU Jie,CHEN Youguo. Spatiotemporal interference effect: An explanation based on Bayesian models[J]. Advances In Psychological Science, 2023, 31(4): 597-607. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2023.00597
Authors:YU Jie  CHEN Youguo
Affiliation:Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
Abstract:The interference of space on time and vice versa are common in daily life. The spatiotemporal interference effect is a phenomenon in which temporal perception is disturbed by spatial information or spatial perception is disturbed by temporal information. Some studies suggest that spatiotemporal interference is asymmetric, and the spatial interference on time is always greater. Other studies indicate that the strength of mutual interference between time and space is influenced by experimental factors. In general, spatial interference on time is greater, but time can also produce the same degree or even greater interference on space. Results of previous studies on the direction and strength of spatiotemporal interference effects have been controversial, and there are phenomena in which space interferes with time to a greater degree, time interferes with space to a greater degree, and time and space interfere with each other to an equal degree. A rational theory is required to explain the phenomena and mechanisms of the spatiotemporal interference effect. Some reviews have introduced related research, but they all explain the spatiotemporal interference effect from the perspective of metaphor theory and a theory of magnitude (ATOM). In recent years, researchers have applied Bayesian models to the field of spatiotemporal interference effects and have achieved rapid developments in this area, but no systematic review of these studies has been conducted. Therefore, it is necessary to summarize and discuss the research that has used Bayesian models to explain spatiotemporal interference effects.First, this paper introduces the recent studies related to the spatiotemporal interference effect and reviews the main viewpoints of metaphor theory and ATOM to explain the spatiotemporal interference effect. Metaphor theory suggests that people's tendency to use spatial metaphors to think about time extends into the perceptual domain, producing asymmetrical spatial interference on time, and ATOM proposes that temporal and spatial information are processed in a common magnitude system in the parietal cortex, which allows time and space to influence each other comparably but not necessarily symmetrically. Then we highlight four types of Bayesian models in the field of spatiotemporal interference effect research: the constant velocity Bayesian model, the slowness Bayesian model, the dimensional covariance Bayesian model, and the ATOM Based Bayesian model. Next, based on Bayesian models, we propose a new interpretation of the generation mechanism of spatiotemporal interference. The Bayesian model that explains the effect of temporal perception interfered by spatial information can serve as an example. The observer's perceptual time (posterior) is an integration of the time in experience (prior, a belief that longer distances take longer to arrive) and the time of sensory input (likelihood). The more unreliable the sensory input (e.g., low salience of temporal stimuli), the more the observer will rely on the prior and be interfered by the spatial information from the prior, resulting in a spatiotemporal interference effect. The Bayesian models assume that the spatiotemporal interference effect is not always symmetrical or asymmetrical, and the direction and strength of the spatiotemporal interference effect is modulated by the relative noise of spatial and temporal information in working memory (i.e., the relative variance of spatial and temporal likelihood distributions). If they are of equal size, there will be symmetrical interference between space and time; if they are of different sizes, there will be asymmetrical interference from the dimension with less memory noise (i.e., smaller variance of the likelihood distribution) to the other dimension. Thus, the symmetry of the spatiotemporal interference effect can be affected by experimental factors such as stimulus saliency and perceptual acuity. Finally, we discuss the relationship between metaphor theory, ATOM, and Bayesian models. All three accounts propose that people expect space and time to co-vary in the same direction, which suggests that we can assimilate reasonable views of spatiotemporal relations in metaphor theory and ATOM to the prior hypotheses of Bayesian models and then construct an optimal model in the future by optimizing the prior and revealing the neural basis of the inference and decision-making processes. Specifically, three issues should be addressed in further studies: (a) expanding the scope of the Bayesian model to explain the spatiotemporal interference effect, (b) exploring the neural mechanism of spatiotemporal interference based on Bayesian inference, and (c) seeking regulation methods for spatiotemporal interference, which laid a foundation for unraveling the cognitive and neural mechanisms of spatiotemporal interference in the future.
Keywords:spatiotemporal interference  Bayesian model  metaphor theory  a theory of magnitude  
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