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Abstract:F riedrich S eifert and R otraut S eifert -H elwig : Bilder und Urbilder , Erscheinungsformen des Archetypus
M. E sther H arding : The 'I' and the 'Not-I' : a study in the development of consciousness
W arner M uensterberger and S idney A xelrad (editors): The psychoanalytic study of society, III
S tanley A. L eavy (translation and introduction): The Freud journal of Lou Andreas Salome
R obert W aelder : Psychoanalytic avenues to art
Tripurā-Rahasya (JÑĀNAKHANDA)
E rwin R. G oodenough : The psychology of religious experiences
M ircea E liade (translated by J. M. Cohen): The two and the one
G ershom G. S cholem (translated by Ralph Manheim): On the Kabbalah and its symbolism
K. B annister and L. P incus : Shared phantasy in marital problems: therapy in a four-person relationship
I. B oszormenyi -N agy and J ames L. F ramo (eds.): Intensive family therapy
K. D abrowski : Positive disintegration , edited by J. Aronson
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