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引用本文:李孜沫. 康熙年间疫灾流行的特征与应对[J]. 医学与哲学, 2022, 43(1): 76-80. doi: 10.12014/j.issn.1002-0772.2022.01.17
作者单位:南昌师范学院旅游与经济管理学院 江西南昌 330032
摘    要:

康熙年间疫灾频度为96.72%,形成持续上升(1662年~1680年)、持续下降(1681年~1687年)、波动上升(1688年~1708年) 和再次回落(1709年~1722年)4个阶段,并以夏、秋季为疫灾流行的主要时节。康熙年间疫灾的空间分布呈现内地多于边疆、南方多于北方、东部多于中西部的特征,其中江苏是疫灾流行最严重的省份。康熙年间疫灾流行的应对方式整体上停留于体现康熙帝意志的中央政令,官方延医赠药、施棺瘗尸、刊刻医书,民间逃疫避疫、封建迷信等传统应对阶段,但由于帝王的格外关注,特别是在特定疫病如天花、疟疾等的应对上也出现一些新变化。

关 键 词:疫灾   时空特征   康熙年间

The Characteristics and Countermeasures of Epidemic Disaster in Kangxi Dynasty
LI Zi-mo. The Characteristics and Countermeasures of Epidemic Disaster in Kangxi Dynasty[J]. Medicine & Philosophy, 2022, 43(1): 76-80. doi: 10.12014/j.issn.1002-0772.2022.01.17
Authors:LI Zi-mo
Affiliation:College of Tourism and Economic Management, Nanchang Normal University, Nanchang 330032, China
Abstract:In the Kangxi Dynasty, the epidemic frequency was 96.72%. There were four stages in the time trend: continuous rising (1662~1680), continuous falling (1681~1687), fluctuating rising (1688~1708) and falling again (1709~1722) with summer and autumn as the main epidemic seasons. In Kangxi Dynasty, epidemics outbroke more in the inland than frontier, more in the South than North, and more in the east than central and western regions. Jiangsu province was the hardest-hit province. In Kangxi Dynasty, the response to the epidemic mainly remained in the central government decrees reflecting Emperor Kangxi's will. The measures were traditional ways like provision of medicine, coffin burying, printing medical books by authority, and escape from epidemic, feudal superstition, etc. However, out of concern of Emperor Kangxi, there were some new changes in the response to specific epidemics such as smallpox, malaria and so on.
Keywords:epidemic disaster  temporal and spatial characteristics  Kangxi Dynasty
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