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Abstract:Story, Text and Scripture: Literary Interests in Biblical Narrative. By Wesley A. Kort, Pp.xii, 159, University Park, The Pennsylvania University Press, 1988, £20.00 A Manual of Hebrew Poetics (Subsidia Biblica 11). By Luis Alonso Schökel. Pp.xi, 228, Rome, Biblical Institute, 1988, L.24,500. History and Ideology in Ancient Israel. By Giovanni Garbini. Pp.xvi, 222, London, SCM Press, 1988, £10.50. The Tradition that You Received from Us: 2 Thessalonians in the Pauline Tradition (Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie 24). By Glenn S. Holland. Pp.vii, 174, Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1988, 98 DM. Paul and his Converts (The Sprunt Lectures 1985). By Ernest Best. Pp.xiv, 177, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1988, £11.95. Christ and the Cynics: Jesus and Other Radical Preachers in First-Century Tradition (JSOT Manuals 4). By F. Gerald Downing. Pp.xiii, 232, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1988, no price given. Human Agents of Cosmic Power in Hellenistic Judaism and the Synoptic Tradition (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement Series 41). By Mary E. Mills. Pp.184, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1990, £25.00 Scripture, Tradition and Reason: A Study in the Criteria of Christian Doctrine: Essays in Honour of Richard P.C. Hanson. Edited by Richard Bauckham and Benjamin Drewery. Pp.viii, 297, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1988, £14.95. Biblical Theology and the Spiritual Exercises: A Method toward a Personal Experience of God as Accomplishing within us His Plan of Salvation (Modern Scholarly Studies about the Jesuits, in English Translations 7). By Gilles Cusson, S. J. Pp.xv, 385, St Louis (Mo), The Institute of Jesuit Sources 1988, $24.00/$19.50. Easter in Ordinary. By Nicholas Lash. Pp.viii, 311, London, SCM Press, 1988, £12.95. Church, Ecumenism and Politics. By Joseph Ratzinger. Pp. vii, 278. Slough, St Paul Publications, 1988, £9.95. The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger: An Introductory Study. By Aidan Nichols. Pp. vii, 338, Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1988, £9.95. Charisma and Community: A Study of Religious Commitment within the Charismatic Renewal (New Observations). By Mary Jo Neitz. Pp. xxi, 294, New Brunswick NJ, Transaction Books, 1987, £24.50. The Living Christ: ‘In Christ’ through Scripture and Liturgy. By J.D. Crichton. Pp.ix, 133, London, Collins, 1988, £2.50. The Liturgical Meaning of Holy Week. Jerusalem Revisited. By Kenneth Stevenson. Pp. vii, 104, Washington DC, The Pastoral Press, 1988, $6.95. The Creative Suffering of God. By Paul S. Fiddes. Pp.x, 281, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988, £29.50. God and Creation in Christian Theology. By Kathryn Tanner. Pp.vii, 196, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988, £25.00. The Status of the Human Embryo: Perspectives from Moral Tradition. Edited by G.R. Dunstan and Mary J. Seller. Pp.119, Oxford University Press for the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, 1988, £15.50. Health Rights and Resources: King's College Studies, 1987–8. Edited by Peter Byrne. Pp.201, London, King Edward's Hospital Fund for London/Oxford University Press, 1988, £16.95. Doctors' Decisions: Ethical Conflicts in Medical Practice. Edited by G.R. Dunstan and E.A. Shinebourne. Pp.x, 248, Oxford University Press, 1989, £22.50. The Limits of Love: Some Theological Explorations. By Gilbert Meilaender. Pp.156, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988, $17.50. Conscience and Casuistry in Early Modern Europe. Edited by Edmund Leites. Pp.ix, 269, Cambridge University Press, 1988, £27.50 ($39.50). The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning. By Albert R. Jonsen and Stephen Toulmin. Pp.ix, 420, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988, $45.00. Moral Conflict and Christian Religion (American University Studies, Series VII Theology and Religion, Vol.35). By Anthony J. Blasi. Pp.x, 180, New York, Peter Lang, 1988, $33.50. The Psychology of Religious Knowing. By Fraser Watts and Mark Williams. Pp.x, 169, Cambridge University Press, 1988, £19.50. The Form of Transformed Vision: Coleridge and the Knowledge of God. By James S. Cutsinger. Pp.xix, 136, Macon, Georgia, Mercer University Press, 1988, $24.95. The Philosophy of Religion, 1875–1980. By. Alan P. Sell. Pp.252, Beckenham, Croom Helm, 1988, £35.00. The Puzzle of God. By Peter Vardy. Pp.224, London, Collins, 1990, £5.95. Faith after Foundationalism. By D.Z. Phillips. Pp.xviii, 341, London, Routledge, 1988, £40.00. Weakness of Will. By William Charlton. Pp.vii, 196, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988, £8.95. The Question of ‘Eclecticism’: Studies in Later Greek Philosophy. Edited by J.M. Dillon and A.A. Long. Pp.xv, 271, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988, $32.00. Sincerity and Truth: Essays on Arnauld, Bayle and Toleration. By John Kilcullen. Pp.xii, 228, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988, £25.00. Exceedingly Nietzsche: Aspects of Contemporary Nietzsche Interpretation (Warwick Studies in Philosophy and Literature). Edited by David Farrell Krell and David Wood. Pp.xvi, 179, London, Routledge, 1988, £22.50. Wittgenstein, A Life: Young Ludwig, 1889–1921. By Brian McGuinness. Pp.xiv, 322, London, Duckworth, 1988, £15.95. Hartshorne and the Metaphysics of Animal Rights. By Daniel A. Dombrowski. Pp.ix, 159, Albany, SUNY Press, 1988, $39.50/$12.95. Early Christian Art and Architecture. By Robert Milburn. Pp.xviii, 318, Avebury, Scolar Press, 1988, £35.00. Friendship and Community, The Monastic Experience, 350–1250 (Cistercian Studies Series 95). By Brian Patrick McGuire. Pp.1,571, Kalamazoo MI, Cistercian Publications, 1988, $52.95/$19.95. Augustine (The Arguments of the Philosophers). By Christopher Kirwan. Pp.viii, 247, London, Routledge, 1989, £40.00. Agostino e la conversione cristiana (Augustiniana, Testi e Studi, I). Edited by Adriano Caprioli e Luciano Vaccaro. Pp.96, Palermo, Edizioni Augustinus, 1987, L.20,000. L 'opera letteraria di Agostino fra Cassiciacum e Milano, Agostino nelle terre di Ambrogio (Augustiniana, Testi e Studi, II). Edited by Mauro Nicolosi. Pp.221, Palermo, Edizioni Augustinus, 1987, L.32,000. Agostino a Milano: Il Battesimo, Agostino nelle terre di Ambrogio (Augustiniana, Testi e Studi, III). Edited by Mauro Nicolosi. Pp.111, Palermo, Edizioni Augustinus, 1988, L.28,000. Medieval Popular Culture: Problems of Belief and Perception (Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture 14). By Aron Gurevich. Pp.xx, 275, Cambridge University Press; Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1988, £27.50. God Within: The Mystical Tradition of Northern Europe. By Oliver Davies. Pp.xii, 224, London, Darton, Longman and Todd, 1988, £7.95. English Wycliffite Sermons, Volume II. Edited by Pamela Gradon. Pp.xcv, 378. Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1988, £80.00. English Wycliffite Sermons, Volume II. Edited by Pamela Gradon. Pp.xcv, 378. Oxford, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1988, £80.00. Humanism, Reform and the Reformation: The Career of Bishop John Fisher. Edited by Brendan Bradshaw and Eamon Duffy. Pp.ix, 260, Cambridge University Press, 1989, £27.50. Mary Queen of Scots: A Study in Failure. By Jenny Wormald. Pp.206, London, George Philip, 1988, £14.95. Church Courts, Sex and Marriage in England, 1570–1640 (Past and Present Publications). By Martin Ingram. Pp.xiii, 412, Cambridge University Press, 1988, £35.00. The Women's Movement in the Church of England, 1850–1930. By Brian Heeney. Pp.xi, 144, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1988, £19.50. Between Heaven and Charing Cross: The Life of Francis Thompson. By Brigid M. Boardman. Pp.xvii, 410, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1988, £19.95. The Catholic Missionaries and the Liturgical Movement in Nigeria: An Historical Overview, Vol. 1: The Holy Ghost Fathers and Catholic Worship among the Igbo People of Eastern Nigeria. By Donatus Emeke Onyemaobi Ogudo. Pp.xiii, 388, Paderborn, Bonifatius, 1988, DM38. C.J. Cadoux: Theologian, Scholar and Pacifist. By Elaine Kaye. Pp.xiv, 228, Edinburgh University Press, 1988, £15.00.
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