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The role of problem-solving appraisal in the process and outcome of career counseling
Authors:Mary J. Heppner  Dong-gwi Lee  P. Paul Heppner  Lynn C. McKinnon  Karen D. Multon  Norm C. Gysbers
Affiliation:Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology, 16 Hill Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
Abstract:Because problem-solving appraisal has been demonstrated to be a critical variable in psychological adjustment, this study examined its potential role as both a static and dynamic client attribute influencing the process and outcome of career counseling. Participants were 151 adults who received an average of five sessions of naturally occurring career counseling; data were collected before, during, and after counseling. The results indicated that: (a) in line with a static attribute model, clients' pre-counseling problem-solving appraisal scores predicted post-counseling career and psychological outcomes as well as career decidedness even after partialling out clients' pre-decidedness scores; (b) in line with a dynamic attribute model, clients who experienced positive changes in problem-solving appraisal in counseling were more likely to have more positive career resources to use in their career transitions as well greater goal directedness; (c) participation in career counseling related to positive change in problem-solving appraisal scores at a level similar to problem-solving training workshops; and (d) clients' changes in problem-solving appraisal related to changes in the working alliance over time.
Keywords:Problem solving   Career counseling   Client attribute   Attribute treatment interaction   Vocational behavior   Counseling outcome
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