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Private and inner speech and the regulation of social speech communication
Authors:Conchi San Martí  n Martí  nez,Humbert Boada i CalbetPeter Feigenbaum
Affiliation:a Facultat de Psicologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
b Fordham University, United States
Abstract:To further investigate the possible regulatory role of private and inner speech in the context of referential social speech communications, a set of clear and systematically applied measures is needed. This study addresses this need by introducing a rigorous method for identifying private speech and certain sharply defined instances of inaudible inner speech. Using this classification system, longitudinal data were gathered from 10 pairs of children performing a referential communication task at 4.5, 6.5, and 8.5 years of age. Results demonstrated children's substantial production of private and inner speech in this communicative situation, with speech forms varying in amount and type as a function of age, communicative role (speaker or listener), and the complexity of the material to be communicated. It is suggested that private and inner speech embedded in discourse may serve a regulatory role in social speech communication.
Keywords:Private speech   Inner speech   Referential communication   Discourse   Vygotsky
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