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Working memory in wayfinding-a dual task experiment in a virtual city
Authors:Meilinger Tobias  Knauff Markus  Bülthoff Heinrich H
Affiliation:Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics and Center for Cognitive Science, University of Freiburg;Department of Psychology, Giessen University;Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen
Abstract:This study examines the working memory systems involved in human wayfinding. In the learning phase, 24 participants learned two routes in a novel photorealistic virtual environment displayed on a 220° screen while they were disrupted by a visual, a spatial, a verbal, or—in a control group—no secondary task. In the following wayfinding phase, the participants had to find and to "virtually walk" the two routes again. During this wayfinding phase, a number of dependent measures were recorded. This research shows that encoding wayfinding knowledge interfered with the verbal and with the spatial secondary task. These interferences were even stronger than the interference of wayfinding knowledge with the visual secondary task. These findings are consistent with a dual-coding approach of wayfinding knowledge.
Keywords:Working memory    Visual task    Spatial task    Verbal task    Dual task    Virtual reality    Dual coding    Grounding
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