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Studies on sensory feedback: III the effects of display gain on tracking performance
Authors:Richard Allen Chase   John K. Cullen Jr.  Joseph W. Openshaw  Scott Alexander Sullivan
Affiliation: a Neurocommunications Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimoreb Clinical Neuropharmacology Research Center, Saint Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, DC
Abstract:Instrumentation is described which permits study of the effects of different forms of visual feedback display on the patterns of fine movement obtained from the extended human index finger when the subject is attempting to keep his finger at a fixed point in space. The task is a compensatory tracking task in which the only source of input to the system is the subject's own finger movement. The effects of increasing the gain (or amplification) of a proportional error signal on the pattern of finger movement was studied. Gains of 1, 2, 4, 10, 20 and 40 were studied with a group of 24 subjects. Increasing the gain of a proportional error signal resulted in a marked improvement in the ability of subjects to maintain their extended finger at a fixed point in space. As the gain of the error signal was increased, the subject's high-amplitude, low frequency errors were reduced, and there was a progressive appearance of high-frequency activity of low-amplitude, more accurately centred about the reference position in space. A total off-target area measure (integrated absolute error) showed marked decrease in scores as the amplification of the error signal was increased from 1 through 10. Beyond this gain there was no appreciable additional improvement in motor control, however no degradation of control was noted to characterize the group performance.

Exploratory studies were undertaken to permit comparison of the effects of increasing the gain of a proportional visual display with the effects of increasing the gain of non-proportional visual and auditory displays. An increase in the dominant-energy frequency was noted as the error signal gain was increased, independent of whether a proportional visual, or non-proportional visual or auditory display was used. This observation suggests that common mechanisms mediate the processing of the gain parameters of feedback displays, in some measure independent of the display form or the sensory modality used for presentation.
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