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The Philosophy of John Stuart Mill
Authors:John Skorupski
Affiliation:University of St Andrews ,

Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Scepticism Translated by Julia Annas &; Jonathan Barnes Cambridge University Press 1994 ISBN‐0–521–30950–6 Hardback (£32.50) ISBN 0–521–31205‐X Paperback (£10.95)

Republicanism, Liberty and Commercial Society 1649–1776 David Wootton (ed) Stanford University Press, 1994 viii, 497 pp. £35 ISBN 0804723567

John Marshall: John Locke: Resistance, Religion and Responsibility Cambridge University Press, 1994 Pp. xxi + 485. ISBN 0–521–44380–6 (hardback) £55 0–521–44687–3 (paperback) £22.95

Ian Harris: The Mind of John Locke: A Study of Political Theory in its Intellectual Setting Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994 Pp. xv + 429. ISBN 0–521–35603–2

Lawrence E. Klein: Shaftesbury and the Culture of Politeness Cambridge University Press, xii, 217 pp. £30

Cahiers Montesquieu: Lectures de Montesquieu, Actes du Colloque de Wolfenbuttel (26–28 Octobre 1989) réunis par Edgar Mass et Alberto Postigliola Liguori Editore, Napoli; Universitas, Paris; Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 1993. ISBN 0–7294–0462–5. £18.00

George Armstrong Kelly: The Humane Comedy: Constant, Tocqueville, and French Liberalism with a foreword by Stephen R. Graubard, Cambridge University Press, 1992. ISBN 0–521–41227–7. £35.00

Christopher J. Berry: The Idea of Luxury. A Conceptual and Historical Investigation Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994 xiv + 271 pp., 0–521–466911 pbk

Sarah Gibbons: Kant's Theory of Imagination. Bridging Gaps in Judgement and Experience Oxford Philosophical Monographs. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1994 pp. 205 plus x. £27.50

Andrew Brook: Kant and the Mind Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1994. pp. 327 plus xii. £35.00

The Correspondence of John Stuart Mill and Auguste Comte trans. and ed. by Oscar A. Haac New Brunswick (USA) and London: Transaction Publishers, 1995 pp. xxvi + 403. £31.95 ISBN 1–56000–148–8

Alan P. F. Sell: Philosophical Idealism and Christian Belief University of Wales Press, 1995 ISBN 0–7083–1310–8. 338 pp. £35.00

Agnosticism: Contemporary Responses to Spencer and Huxley Ed. Andrew Pyle Thoemmes Press, Bristol, 1995 (Key Issues 4), pp. xxvi + 301 ISBN (paper) 1–85506–404–9 £14.95, (cloth) 1–85506–405–7 £45.00
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