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摘    要:The Dhammapada is a collection of 423 Buddhist aphorisms or teachings intended to provide ethical guidance. The poetic and sometimes profound sayings of the Dhammapada, which can be translated as "Way of Truth," are attributed to Buddha, who founded Buddhism in India in the 6th century BC. These writings, part of the sacred Sutra Pitaka, illustrate the Buddhist dhamma, or moral system. The following excerpt deals with the human mind and the consequences of immoral actions. 《法句经》是由423段格言或者教训组成的集子,其用意在道德教诲。《法句经》据说都是佛陀所说。佛陀是公元前6世纪时在印度创立佛教的人。《法句经》的语句是诗意的,有时寓意很深刻。作为经藏的一部分,这些文字揭示了佛教的“法”或者道德体系。下面的摘选谈的是人心和不善行为的结果。

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