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Algebras of Intervals and a Logic of Conditional Assertions
Authors:Milne  Peter
Affiliation:(1) School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, University of Edinburgh, David Hume Tower George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9JX, United Kingdom
Abstract:Intervals in boolean algebras enter into the study of conditional assertions (or events) in two ways: directly, either from intuitive arguments or from Goodman, Nguyen and Walker's representation theorem, as suitable mathematical entities to bear conditional probabilities, or indirectly, via a representation theorem for the family of algebras associated with de Finetti's three-valued logic of conditional assertions/events. Further representation theorems forge a connection with rough sets. The representation theorems and an equivalent of the boolean prime ideal theorem yield an algebraic completeness theorem for the three-valued logic. This in turn leads to a Henkin-style completeness theorem. Adequacy with respect to a family of Kripke models for de Finetti's logic, Lstrokukasiewicz's three-valued logic and Priest's Logic of Paradox is demonstrated. The extension to first-order yields a short proof of adequacy for Körner's logic of inexact predicates.
Keywords:algebras of intervals  boolean prime ideal theorem  conditional assertion  conditional event  de Finetti's logic of conditional events    del's three-valued logic  Kalman implication    rner's logic of inexact predicates  Kripke semantics    /content/rg777614862k8210/xxlarge321.gif"   alt="  Lstrok"   align="  BASELINE"   BORDER="  0"  >ukasiewicz algebras of order three    /content/rg777614862k8210/xxlarge321.gif"   alt="  Lstrok"   align="  BASELINE"   BORDER="  0"  >ukasiewicz's three-valued logic  Priest's logic of paradox  rough sets  Routley–  Meyer semantics for negation
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