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Sociosexual attitudes and behaviors: Why two factors are better than one
Authors:Gregory D. Webster  Angela Bryan
Affiliation:Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Abstract:Researchers have recently questioned the unidimensionality of the sociosexual orientation inventory [SOI; Simpson, J. A., & Gangestad, S. W. (1991). Individual differences in sociosexuality: evidence for convergent and discriminant validity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 870–883], which measures willingness to engage in uncommitted sexual relationships. Previous research, however, has not empirically examined this issue. Thus, 2787 undergraduates completed measures of the SOI, narcissism, and hostility. Confirmatory factor analyses revealed that a dual-factor model of the SOI, which accounted for both behavioral (Items 1–3) and attitudinal (Items 2, 4–7) components, fit the data significantly better than a single-factor model. Although gender did not moderate the factor loadings, the sociosexual attitude-behavior correlation was stronger for women than for men. Sociosexual attitudes and behaviors were differentially related to narcissism and hostility. Researchers should consider scoring the SOI as separate attitudinal and behavioral components.
Keywords:Sociosexuality   Attitude-behavior consistency   Confirmatory factor analysis   Evolutionary psychology   Human sexuality   Gender differences   Narcissism   Hostility   Measurement
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