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引用本文:修利超,谈诚,蒋依涵,周仁来,陈善广. 45天-6°头低位卧床对个体额区EEG偏侧化和情绪的影响[J]. 心理学报, 2014, 46(7): 942-950. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.00942
作者姓名:修利超  谈诚  蒋依涵  周仁来  陈善广
作者单位:(;1.应用实验心理北京市重点实验室, 北京师范大学心理学院, 北京 100875) (;2.人因工程国家重点实验室, 中国航天员科研训练中心, 北京 100094) (;3.认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室, 北京师范大学, 北京 100875) (;4.脑与学习协同创新中心, 北京 100875) (;5.北京师范大学情绪调节研究中心, 北京 100875)
摘    要:考察了16名22~34岁男性被试在45天-6°头低位卧床模拟失重条件下, 在卧床前(第2天)、卧床期(第11, 20, 32, 40天)及卧床后(第8天)的额区EEG偏侧化变化趋势, 并采用贝克焦虑量表(BAI)和贝克抑郁量表(BDI)对主观情绪状态进行评估。研究发现EEG偏侧化指标呈现出明显的线性变化趋势。卧床期间个体的心境状态处于比较低的水平, 报告有较强的躯体焦虑感。在整个卧床期间, 个体为维持稳定的情绪状态而付出比较大的情绪调节努力。

关 键 词:额区EEG偏侧化  模拟失重  头低位卧床  情绪  

Effects of 45 Days -6°Head-down Bed Rest on Males’ Frontal Alpha Asymmetry and Emotion
XIU Lichao,TAN Cheng,JIANG Yihan,ZHOU Renlai,CHEN Shanguang. Effects of 45 Days -6°Head-down Bed Rest on Males’ Frontal Alpha Asymmetry and Emotion[J]. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2014, 46(7): 942-950. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.00942
Authors:XIU Lichao  TAN Cheng  JIANG Yihan  ZHOU Renlai  CHEN Shanguang
Abstract:Suffering from the anxiety and depression under spaceflight may impair astronauts’ cognitive performance. It is difficult to investigate human emotion changes in real space environment. Previous studies suggested that the head-down bed rest (HDBR) which simulated weightlessness environment was used to evaluate emotion changes with self-reported scales and turned out to be useful tools. In addition, scientific research suggests that emotional responses are composed of initial emotional reactivity and ongoing emotion regulation. However, it is still uncertain that whether the emotion regulation competence will be impaired or not under HDBR. Therefore, we investigated the effects of 45 day -6° HDBR on participants’ self-reported anxiety and depression as well as the frontal EEG asymmetry which represents their emotion regulation competence. Sixteen healthy non-smoking young men whose mean age was 26.33 years old (SD = 4.13) were recruited in the experiment. The participants had no history of chronic or acute diseases and normal vision. They were right-handed, non-athletes and none of them were allowed to use medication, tobacco, or caffeine-containing drinks during the experiment. They should keep lying in the bed with -6 degree for 45 days. EEG data and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) as well as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were assessed and analyzed on two days before HDBR, 11th, 20th, 32nd and 40th day under HDBR together with the 8th day after HDBR respectively. According to the previous studies, we mainly measured EEG alpha asymmetry in the frontal area (FP1, FP2, F3 and F4) and the EEG was referenced on-line to the left mastoid and re-referenced off-line to the Cz electrode. Throughout the EEG recording, the impedance of the electrodes was maintained under 5 kΩ. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded by 40 Ag/AgCl electrodes mounted on a custom-made cap according to the extended 10-20 system and continuously sampled at 1000 Hz by a Neuroscan NuAmps amplifier. The band-pass filter range of 0.01 to 200 Hz was used during the EEG recording. The artifact-free EEG was analyzed with Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT) which use a Hanning window of one second width and 5% overlap. Power was extracted from the 8~13 Hz frequency band and measured with mean square microvolt as its unit. The raw data of power was then transformed in the natural log (ln) in order to normalize the data distribution. The value of the frontal EEG asymmetry was calculated by subtracting the value of the left EEG power from the value of the right EEG power. Statistic analyses were performed using two-way [Time points (pre-HDBR, HDBR11, HDBR20, HDBR32, HDBR40 and post-HDBR) × electrode sites algorithm (lnFP2-lnFP1 vs. lnF4-lnF3)] repeated-measures ANOVAs with SPSS 13.0 Software. Statistically significant differences were assessed at 0.05 level and power of the effect was assessed with partial eta-squared (η2) and the correction was done by Greenhouse-Geisser coefficient. Frontal EEG asymmetry was clear to perform a linear increase curve (F (5, 75) = 2.91, p = 0.019, η2 = 0.16) across all six time points. The main effect of electrode sites algorithm was not significant (F (1, 15) = 0.03, p = 0.855, η2 < 0.001), and there was no significant interaction between time points and electrode sites algorithm (F (5, 75) = 0.45, p = 0.813, η2 = 0.03), either. The self-reported anxiety (F (5, 75) = 2.09, p = 0.076; η2 = 0.12) and depression (F (5, 75) = 0.55, p = 0.738; η2 = 0.04) showed no significant changes before, during and after the HDBR. These results indicate that under extreme environment, people who prefer to maintain the stability of their emotional state paid many efforts to regulate their negative emotions. Only in this way can they reported stable anxiety and depression feelings. Above all, their anxiety and depression symptoms did not fluctuate significantly under simulated weightlessness environment.
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