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The Differential Responding of Male Prisoners to Subtle and Obvious MCMI Subscales
Abstract:We investigated the differential responding of 100 male inmates to subtle and obvious MCMI scale items; subtlety was determined by judgments by college students. It has been predicted that item subtlety would be positively correlated with item endorsement. This prediction was supported across all 175 MCMI items. as well as across items on 7 of 8 personality and 8 of 12 clinical scales. It had also been predicted that education and intelligence would moderate the relationship between subtlety and endorsement, with inmates higher in education and intelligence demonstrating a greater tendency than other inmates to avoid obvious items. Modest support was obtained for this prediction, with statistically significant results found for 4 personality and 5 clinical scales. The significance of the subtle-obvious distinction is discussed, especially when employing the MCMI with an inmate population.
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