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Masculinity-femininity as a national characteristic and its relationship with national agoraphobic fear levels: Fodor's sex role hypothesis revitalized
Authors:Arrindell W A,Eisemann Martin,Richter Jörg,Oei Tian P S,Caballo Vicente E,van der Ende Jan,Sanavio Ezio,Bagés Nuri,Feldman Lya,Torres Bárbara,Sica Claudio,Iwawaki Saburo,Hatzichristou Chryse  Cultural Clinical Psychology Study Group
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Groningen, Heymans Institute, Grote Kruisstraat 2/I, 9712 TS, Groningen, The Netherlands. w.arrindell@ppsw.rug.nl
Abstract:Hofstede's dimension of national culture termed Masculinity-Femininity [. Cultures and organizations: software of the mind. London: McGraw-Hill] is proposed to be of relevance for understanding national-level differences in self-assessed agoraphobic fears. This prediction is based on the classical work of Fodor [. In: V. Franks & V. Burtle (Eds.), Women in therapy: new psychotherapies for a changing society. New York: Brunner/Mazel]. A unique data set comprising 11 countries (total N=5491 students) provided the opportunity of scrutinizing this issue. It was hypothesized and found that national Masculinity (the degree to which cultures delineate sex roles, with masculine or tough societies making clearer differentiations between the sexes than feminine or modest societies do) would correlate positively with national agoraphobic fear levels (as assessed with the Fear Survey Schedule-III). Following the correction for sex and age differences across national samples, a significant and large effect-sized national-level (ecological) r=+0.67 (P=0.01) was found. A highly feminine society such as Sweden had the lowest, whereas the champion among the masculine societies, Japan, had the highest national Agoraphobic fear score.
Keywords:Sex roles   Agoraphobia   Cross-cultural assessment   National masculinity-femininity   Hofstede   Fodor
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