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Intrinsic frames of reference and egocentric viewpoints in scene recognition
Authors:Mou Weimin  Fan Yanli  McNamara Timothy P  Owen Charles B
Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. mouw@psych.ac.cn
Abstract:Three experiments investigated the roles of intrinsic directions of a scene and observer's viewing direction in recognizing the scene. Participants learned the locations of seven objects along an intrinsic direction that was different from their viewing direction and then recognized spatial arrangements of three or six of these objects from different viewpoints. The results showed that triplets with two objects along the intrinsic direction (intrinsic triplets) were easier to recognize than triplets with two objects along the study viewing direction (non-intrinsic triplets), even when the intrinsic triplets were presented at a novel test viewpoint and the non-intrinsic triplets were presented at the familiar test viewpoint. The results also showed that configurations with the same three or six objects were easier to recognize at the familiar test viewpoint than other viewpoints. These results support and develop the model of spatial memory and navigation proposed by Mou, McNamara, Valiquette, and Rump [Mou, W., McNamara, T. P., Valiquiette C. M., & Rump, B. (2004). Allocentric and egocentric updating of spatial memories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 30, 142-157].
Keywords:Scene recognition   Intrinsic frame of reference   Egocentric viewpoint   Spatial memory   Visual memory
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