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Scientific Naturalism, the Mind-Body Relation, and Religious Experience
Authors:David Ray Griffin
Institution:Claremont Graduate University
Abstract:Although attempts to explain religious experience in terms of brain processes usually presuppose the identification of scientific naturalism with the s ensationist, a theistic, m aterialist version of naturalism (naturalismsam), this version is inadequate for science, and human experience more generally, for numerous reasons. An alternative version, based on p anexperientialism, p anentheism, and a p rehensive doctrine of perception (naturalismppp), not only avoids those problems but also allows for religious experience understood as the soul's direct experience of a Holy Reality.
Keywords:atheism  interactionism  materialism  naturalistic theism  neuroscience  panentheism  panexperientialism  prehension  Hilary Putnam  Willard Quine  religious experience  scientific naturalism  sensationism  Alfred North Whitehead
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