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Authors:Kenneth Lambert
Abstract:J ung , C. G. The visions seminars.
M c G uire , W illiam and H ull , R. F. C. (Eds.). C. G. Jung speaking: Interviews and encounters.
C arotenuto , A ldo . (Ed.). The annual of Italian analytical psychologists.
G uggenbühl -C raig , A dolf . Marriage—dead or alive.
W innicott , D. W. The Piggle (Ed. I. Ramzy).
B lum , H arold P., M.D. (Ed.). Female psychology: contemporary psychoanalytic views.
R obert , M arthe . From Oedipus to Moses
B iller , H enry B. Father, child and sex rôle.
E liade , M ircea . No souvenirs, Journal 1957–1969.
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