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Factor analytic evaluation of differences between black and caucasian emotionally disturbed children on the children's depression inventory
Authors:P. Michael Politano  W. Michael Nelson III  Helen E. Evans  Susan B. Sorenson  Dorothy J. Zeman
Affiliation:(1) The College of William and Mary, 23185 Williamsburg, Virginia;(2) Xavier University, 45207 Cincinnati, Ohio;(3) Illinois Professional School of Psychology, 60604 Chicago, Illinois;(4) University of California, 90024 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
Abstract:Scores on the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) for 392 Caucasian and 159 black psychiatric inpatients between 6 and 18 years of age were subjected to principal-components factor extraction with Varimax rotation. Factors not contributing to variance were eliminated using the scree test (Cattell, 1966) and the degree of variance accounted for by remaining factors for both groups was examined through respective squared multiple correlations. A comparison of CDI factors for blacks and Caucasians indicated some differences, with blacks be ing less suicidal yet higher on other behavioral dimensions, such as oppositionality, and Caucasians higher on affective dimensions, such as sadness. The results support research on black-Caucasian differences and suggest the need to validate further the CDI with minority populations.
Keywords:children  depression  Children's Depression Inventory  racial factors
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