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The CARE System in Its Importance in Dealing with Today's Crises1
Authors:Verena Kast
Institution:St. Gallen, Switzerland
Abstract:The CARE system is a gift from Mother Nature, we have it in our biological heritage; it enables us humans—as a basic gift—to help each other in a large, life-serving context, and thus also to counterbalance destruction. It is about a basic human ability, linked to typical behaviour, but also about a basic human need for connectedness. In this paper, I would like to show how the CARE system can be activated as a collective attitude. The CARE system is strengthened by positive emotions. We are currently being affected by many crises and this triggers fear. How can we deal with this better? Fear is countered with hope and the associated positive emotions such as joy, awe, kama muta and others. These emotions and feelings can be consciously encouraged and placed alongside the feelings of fear. But also, when we share the feelings of grief with each other, it triggers an attitude of CARE. We can grieve together for the various experiences of loss that we go through—but we can also imagine together how we envisage a future that is worth living for everyone. An attitude in the sense of CARING has been practised in friendship for thousands of years. It would therefore be possible to move away from an attitude of competing and outdoing, to an attitude not only of recognition, care, and solidarity in human interaction, but also in our connection with nature.
Keywords:anxieties  CARE system  crises  friendship  grieving together  imagining together  positive emotions  système CARE  crises  angoisses  émotions positives  faire ensemble le deuil  imaginer ensemble  amitié  CARE-System  Krisen  Ängste  positive Emotionen  gemeinsames Trauern  gemeinsames Imaginieren  Freundschaft  sistema CARE  crisi  ansie  emozioni positive  soffrire insieme  immaginare insieme  amicizia  функция заботы  кризисы  тревоги  позитивные эмоции  совместное горевание  совместное воображение  дружба  Sistema DE CUIDADO  crisis  ansiedades  emociones positivas  llorar juntos  imaginar juntos  amistad  照料系统  危机  焦虑  积极情感  一起哀伤  一起想象  友谊
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