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引用本文:张荣伟 Pual. T. P. Wong 李丹. 人际关系和自我概念对生命意义的影响:一项追踪研究[J]. 心理科学, 2020, 0(5): 1154-1161
作者姓名:张荣伟 Pual. T. P. Wong 李丹
作者单位:1. 中共福建省委党校 福建行政学院;2. Meaning-Centered Counselling Institute;3. Trent University;4. 上海师范大学;
摘    要:对1087名大学生进行为期1年的追踪研究,考察人际关系和自我概念对生命意义的影响,以及自我概念在人际关系与生命意义间的中介效应。结果显示:(1)人际关系、自我概念和生命意义之间存在同时性和继时性正相关;(2)在时间点1和时间点2,人际关系、自我概念和生命意义均两两相互预测;(3)人际关系和自我影响均影响生命意义,以及在人际关系与生命意义的关系中,自我概念起部分中介作用。即人际关系通过自我概念进而影响生命意义体验。结果表明,可以通过改善人际关系和提高自我概念来提升个体的生命意义感。即带着一颗自我肯定之心,积极参与到社会互动中去。

关 键 词:人际关系 自我概念 生命意义 追踪研究 大学生  

The effects of Relationship and Self-concept on Meaning in life: A Longitudinal Study
Abstract:Meaning in life is an ongoing theme because the human pursue meaning in life across their whole life. The human request for their own unique sense of meaning links to their efforts to cope with their anxiety for the unavoidable death. Meaning in life is extracted from the individuals' understanding of themselves, their environment and their relationships with the environment, which mainly involve self-concept and relationship. To clarify self-concept and improve relationship are the key and useful methods to construct human's sense of meaning in life. Self-concept includes the cognitive component regarding who I am and the evaluation component regarding how I feel about myself. It focuses on the content and organization of self-knowledge. A stable and clear self-concept enables individuals to understand themselves, the world and relatedness to the world more accurately, and to understand their life experiences from the perspectives of a long-term goal and a higher level, and then to grasp the meaning which is hided in various life events. Also, relationship is an important factor which affect meaning in life. In essence, meaning is relational and the mental representation of various relations among things. And during the interaction with the world, individuals acquire sense of self and sense of confirmation, so as to construct their self-concept. Individuals establish their self-concepts by getting feedbacks from relationships. By comparing these feedbacks, individuals can answer the fundamental questions about who they are. In sum, relationship will influence the construction of meaning in life by influencing their self-perception and evaluation, that is, self-concept. In order to explore the effects of relationship and self-concept on meaning in life, and test the role of self-concept in the association of relationship and meaning in life, the present study surveyed 1087 students from three colleges for twice during a year, using the Wallace Self Concept Scale(WSCS), the Balanced Measure of Psychological Needs Scale(BMPN), and the Presence of Meaning subscale in Meaning in Life Questionnaire(MLQ-P). Results show that (1) there is a positive correlation of simultaneity and succession among relationship, self-concept and meaning in life; (2) relationship, self-concept and meaning in life can predict with each other at both Time 1 and Time 2; (3) and most importantly, both of relationship and self-concept are the antecedents of meaning in life, as well as self-concept serving as a mediator in the association of relationship and meaning in life. In other words, relationship affected meaning in life via self-concept in college students. These findings suggest that the sense of meaning in life will be improved by the improvement of relationship and self-concept. That is, to actively participate in social interactions with a self-affirming heart.
Keywords:relationship   self-concept   meaning in life   longitudinal study   college students  
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