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Maternal postpartum depression is a risk factor for infant emotional variability at 4 months
Authors:Mette Skovgaard Væver  Ida Egmose Pedersen  Johanne Smith-Nielsen  Anne Tharner
Affiliation:1. Center for Early Intervention and Family Studies, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen K, Denmark;2. Clinical Child and Family Studies, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universitet Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Abstract:Maternal postpartum depression (PPD) is a risk for disruption of mother–infant interaction. Infants of depressed mothers have been found to display less positive, more negative, and neutral affect. Other studies have found that infants of mothers with PPD inhibit both positive and negative affect. In a sample of 28 infants of mothers with PPD and 52 infants of nonclinical mothers, we examined the role of PPD diagnosis and symptoms for infants’ emotional variability, measured as facial expressions, vocal protest, and gaze using microanalysis, during a mother–infant face-to-face interaction. PPD symptoms and diagnosis were associated with (a) infants displaying fewer high negative, but more neutral/interest facial affect events, and (b) fewer gaze off events.  PPD diagnosis, but not symptoms, was associated with less infant vocal protest. Total duration of seconds of infant facial affective displays and gaze off was not related to PPD diagnosis or symptoms, suggesting that when infants of depressed mothers display high negative facial affect or gaze off, these expressions are more sustained, indicating lower infant ability to calm down and re-engage, interpreted as a disturbance in self-regulation. The findings highlight the importance of not only examining durations, but also frequencies, as the latter may inform infant emotional variability.
Keywords:infant emotional display  maternal postpartum depression  microanalysis  mother–infant interaction  self-regulation  depresión materna posterior al parto  muestra emocional del infante  interacción madre-infante  auto-regulación del infante  dépression postpartum maternelle  affichage émotionnel du bébé  interaction mère-bébé  auto-régulation du bébé  mütterliche postpartale Depression  emotionaler Ausdruck des Kindes  Mutter-Kind Interaktion  Selbstregulation des Kindes  母親の産後うつ病、乳児の感情表出、母子相互作用、乳児の自己制御       اكتئاب الأمهات بعد الولادة، المظاهر العاطفية للرضع، التفاعل بين الأم والرضيع، التنظيم الذاتي للرضع
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