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引用本文:张凯丽 汪凤炎. 用行动纪念潘菽先生逝世三十周年[J]. 心理学探新, 2018, 0(6): 486-491
作者姓名:张凯丽 汪凤炎
作者单位:南京师范大学心理学院,南京 210097
摘    要:潘菽逝世已有30周年,中国心理学界缅怀他的最好方式之一是,弘扬他的三个心理学思想精义,将之体现在行动中,促进中国心理学又好又快地向前发展:坚持潘菽“心理学是中间科学”的主张,使中国心理学研究的视角、方法与主题更加多元化; 秉承潘菽重视研究中国古代心理学思想的遗志,提高研究成果的原创性水平; 落实潘菽关于中国心理学“要走我们自己的道路,有自己的特点”的倡议,努力建设中国特色心理学体系,使中国心理学不仅在形式上,而且在内容体系和灵魂上都真正获得独立。

关 键 词:潘菽  中间科学  中国古代心理学思想  中国特色心理学

 To Commemorate the 30th Death Anniversary of Pan Shu with Actions
Zhang Kaili Wang Fengyan.  To Commemorate the 30th Death Anniversary of Pan Shu with Actions[J]. Exploration of Psychology, 2018, 0(6): 486-491
Authors:Zhang Kaili Wang Fengyan
Affiliation:School of Psychology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097
Abstract:It has been 30 years since Mr.Pan passed away.Carrying forward the essence of his three psychology thoughts and embody it in our practical actions,in order to promote the sound and fast development of Chinese psychology,is the best way to honour the memory of him for Chinese psychologists.Three essences of his psychology thoughts are as follows.First,the ideology of “psychology is an intermediate science” proposed by Pan Shu must be inherited to diversify the perspectives,methods and themes of psychological research.Second,the unfulfilled wish of Pan Shu that attaches great importance to the study of ancient Chinese psychology thought need to be adhered so that contemporary Chinese psychology is able to draw source,inspiration and foundation from Chinese culture,so as to improve the originality of research results.Third,Pan Shu's proposal that Chinese psychology “take our own path and have our own characteristics” should be implemented in order to build the construction of psychology system with Chinese characteristics and improve the cultural ecology validity of Chinese psychology research achievement,and to make Chinese psychology truly independent not only in the form but also in the content system and the soul essence.
Keywords: Pan Shu   the intermediate science   ancient Chinese psychological thought   psychology with Chinese characteristics
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