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The Unreal Child1
Authors:Isabelle Meier
Affiliation:Zürich, Switzerland
Abstract:Unrepresented mental states lead to an impaired ability to feel emotions and trust in oneself, one’s history and in the world. The article explores the question of how representations of oneself and the relevant other, the mother, become possible in the course of therapy when dissociative processes previously made this impossible, and what role unconscious communication plays in the analytic realm. This question will be explored by examining the theories of André Green, Philip Bromberg, and Howard Levine.
Keywords:analytic attitude  dissociation  regression in countertransference  unconscious communication  unrepresented experience  dissociation  communication inconsciente  expérience non-représentée  attitude analytique  régression dans le contretransfert  Dissoziation  unbewußte Kommunikation  nicht repräsentierte Erfahrung  analytische Haltung  Regression in der Gegenübertragung  dissociazione  comunicazione inconscia  esperienza non rappresentata  atteggiamento analitico  regressione nel controtransfert  диссоциация  бессознательная коммуникация  нерепрезентированное переживание  аналитическая установка  регрессия в контрпереносе  disociación  comunicación inconsciente  experiencia no representada  actitud analítica  regresión en contratransferencia  解离  无意识沟通  未被表征的经验  分析性态度  反移情中的退行
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