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Collective Trauma,Implicit Memories,the Body,and Active Imagination in Jungian Analysis1
Authors:Karin Fleischer
Institution:Buenos Aires, Argentina
Abstract:This presentation attempts to show the healing potential underlying the inclusion of the patient's body in the analytic process, while honouring and revisiting the understanding of the psyche-body connection described by Jung in his early work. In addition, the author offers reflections on the impact of collective trauma whose aftermath, among others, has been the disappearance of thousands of people, consequently breaking the family genealogy, leaving hundreds of children stripped of their roots and true identity. Referencing clinical material, the author describes how the process of translation and integration—from the sensory-perceptual to the conceptual-symbolic—can be halted on account of collective trauma occurring at an early stage in development. Moreover, it is shown how the potential of the archetype or image schema, linked to the somatic-affective early experiences encoded as implicit memories, can be recovered, when Embodied Active Imagination is included in the analytic work. The patient's bodily gestures and somatic experience may bridge the gap between the preverbal-implicit knowledge and the emergence of emotions and images that allow for the creation of a new symbolic narrative.
Keywords:implicit memory  body memory  image-schema  collective trauma  Active Imagination  Authentic Movement  somatic-affective experiences  primary self  core self  proto-self  mémoire implicite  mémoire du corps  image-schéma  traumatisme collectif  Imagination Active  Mouvement Authentique  expériences somatiques et affectives  soi primaire  soi-noyau  proto-soi  implizites Gedächtnis  Körpergedächtnis  Bildschema  kollektives Trauma  Aktive Imagination  authentische Bewegung  somatisch-affektive Erfahrungen  primäres Selbst  Kernselbst  Proto-Selbst  memoria implicita  memoria corporea  immagine-schema  trauma collettivo  Immaginazione Attiva  Movimento Autentico  esperienze somatico-affettive  Sé primario  Sé nucleare  proto-Sé  латентная память  память тела  образная схема  коллективная травма  активное воображение  аутентичное движение  телесно-аффективные переживания  первичная самость  ядерная самость  прото-самость  memoria implícita  memoria corporal  imagen-esquema  trauma colectivo  Imaginación Activa  Movimiento Auténtico  experiencias somato-afectivas  self primario  self nuclear  proto-self  内隐记忆  身体记忆  意象模式  集体创伤  积极想象  如实动作  身体-情绪经验  首要自我  核心自我  原生自我
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