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引用本文:张志学,鞠冬,马力. 组织行为学研究的现状:意义与建议[J]. 心理学报, 2014, 46(2): 265-284. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.00265
作者姓名:张志学  鞠冬  马力
作者单位:北京大学光华管理学院, 北京 100871
摘    要:本文对2008~2011年这4个年度发表在英文和中文组织行为学方面重要学术期刊上的研究进行总结, 旨在让国内学者了解现今组织行为学的现状和发展。我们在分析研究内容、研究方法的基础上, 就当前中国组织行为学研究提出了一些总结性的看法, 包括:研究问题很大程度上追随国际潮流, 但缺乏对本土重要问题的关注; 研究方法过多地集中于定量的问卷调查法, 但缺乏对多种不同方法的应用; 研究的分析层次过多地集中在个体层次上, 而对多层次的组织和团队管理现象关注不足。为更好地促进组织行为学科的发展, 本文建议:应该注重立足中国的组织和管理现象来挖掘研究问题; 采用多种研究方法, 特别应鼓励开展定性研究; 注重跨层次研究和研究的情境化等。本文通过介绍近年来组织行为领域的全面情况并详细分析其中的若干个例, 为如何克服以上不足提供具体的范例和方法。

关 键 词:组织行为学研究  严谨的科学研究  多元研究方法  多层次研究  情境化  

Organizational Behavior Research in 2008 ~ 2011: A Brief Review and Future Direction for Chinese Research
ZHANG Zhixue,JU Dong,MA Li. Organizational Behavior Research in 2008 ~ 2011: A Brief Review and Future Direction for Chinese Research[J]. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2014, 46(2): 265-284. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1041.2014.00265
Authors:ZHANG Zhixue  JU Dong  MA Li
Affiliation:Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:This paper summarizes organizational behavior research papers published in top tier English and Chinese journals in 2008 ~ 2011 by identifying the main research topics and research methods. We summarize the fields by computing and reviewing the research topics, main content in each topic, and research methods. Several noticeable findings emerge from our review: 1. The most widely studied topics in English and Chinese journals are similar, they include leadership, team, justice, creativity, trust, OCB and work-life balance. 2. Compared to English journals, Chinese journals are more focused on the “most widely studied” topics. 3. Papers published in the English journals are more likely to have multiple studies, to use multiple research methods, and to conduct cross-level studies than those published in Chinese journals. We suggest that Chinese scholars in organizational behavior can enhance the quality of their research by doing the following. 1. Choose research question s that are closely related to management phenomena in practice; 2. Do not simply follow the “trendy” topics and Western research paradigms; 3. Build new theories based on a thorough understanding of existing theories; 4. Apply multi-disciplinary approaches in theory building, and 5. Use multiple methods in design and capture the multilevel nature of management questions. We hope our paper will help improve the quality of organizational behavior research in China.
Keywords:organizational behavior research  rigorous scientific research  multiple research methods  multilevel research  contextualization
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