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The Roman Catholic Pedophilia Crisis and the Call to Erotic Conversion

The abuse of children and associated cover-ups have damaged the laity's trust in priests, unsettled the church's finances and exposed a culture of self-deception. Consequently, there is more focus on priest's sexual orientation and a clerical culture that includes hidden sexual behavior. Yet, Rome and the bishops are creating an environment which encourages the suppression of sexuality. In this climate, priests may be more prone to a less healthy and less mature incorporation of sexuality into daily living. Meanwhile, little theological discussion has occurred regarding the contribution of the church's narrow view of sexuality on this crisis. As a response, this article will use Lonergan's methodology to introduce the notion of Erotic Conversion, or, ‘turning with’ our sexual energies in an affirming manner. This concept will be brought into dialogue with the concept of embodiment and those theologies which have arisen from the gay and lesbian liberation movement.
Keywords:priest  pedophilia  sexual ethics  Lonergan  Catholic Church  erotophobia
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