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Book Reviews
Abstract:Book Reviewed in This Article:
C rooks , L ois A. (Editor) An Investigation of Sources of Bias in the Prediction of Job Performance: A Six-Year Study.
F amularo , J oseph J. (Editor-in-Chief) Handbook of Modern Personnel Administration.
W ard , L ewis B. and A thos , A nthony G. Student Expectations of Corporate Life: Implications for Management Recruiting.
L awless , D. J. Effective Management: A Social Psychological Approach.
W haley , D onald L. Psychological Testing and the Philosophy of Measurement.
F rench , W endell L. and B ell , C ecil H. J r .
F rederiksen , N orman , J ensen , O llie and B eaton , A lbert E. With a contribution by Bruce Bloxom. Prediction of Organizational Behavior. Elmsford
U llrich , R obert A. A Theoretical Model of Human Behavior in Organizations: An Eclectic Approach.
B rethower , D ale M. Behavioral Analysis in Business and Industry: A Total Performance System.
B eynon , H. and B lackburn , R. M. Perceptions of Work: Variations within a Factory.
L oring , R osalind and W ells , T heodora . Breakthrough: Women into Management.
L evinson , H arry . The Great Jackass Fallacy.
B uck , V ernon E. Working Under Pressure.
W ilson , A ubrey . The Marketing of Professional Services.
B auby , C athrina . OK, Let's Talk About It: Dynamics of Dialogue.
M orris , J ohn O. Make Yourself Clear: Morris on Business Communication.
W edderburn , D orothy and C rompton , R osemary . Workers' Attitudes and Technology.
T aylor , L ynda K ing . Not for Bread Alone: An Appreciation of Job Enrichment.
Top Executive Compensation (1972 Edition).
P aturi , F elix R. The Escalator Effect: How to Get to the Top Without Effort.
M old , H oward P. The Mechanics of Management by Objectives—Preparing and Writing Objectives. (Bulletin No. 37)
M ussen , P aul H. and R osenzweig , M ark R. (Eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 24.
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