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Teachability of Reflective Processes in Written Composition
Authors:Marlene Scardamalia  Carl Bereiter  Rosanne Steinbach
Institution:York University, Ontario Canada;The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Canada
Abstract:Reflective thought, as sustained in writing, is attributed to two-way communication between a content problem space and a rhetorical problem space. An instructional experiment involving sixth-graders aimed at helping them sustain such a two-way process independently, in place of the more typical one-way process of generating content and writing it out. Instruction included modeling of thinking aloud, both by instructors and students, use of cues to stimulate self-questioning during planning monologues, and direct strategy instruction emphasizing dialectical synthesis of conflicting ideas. Increased numbers of reflective statements in thinking-aloud protocols and rated reflectiveness of compositions indicate gains were made at the level of reflection on individual ideas.
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