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Social antecedents of children's implicit prejudice: Direct contact,extended contact,explicit and implicit teachers' prejudice
Abstract:Recent research has shown that children display implicit prejudice at least by age six (Baron & Banaji, 2006). In the present study, we investigated some potential antecedents of children's implicit intergroup attitudes: direct contact, extended contact, explicit and implicit racial attitudes of children's favourite teacher. Participants were Italian elementary school students. Results showed that, unexpectedly, direct contact increased negative implicit attitudes toward immigrants; extended contact reduced implicit prejudice only among those with less direct contact experiences. In addition, teachers' implicit (but not explicit) prejudice predicted children's implicit prejudice. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed, together with the importance of the social environment in the formation of children's implicit intergroup attitudes.
Keywords:Children's implicit prejudice  Explicit and implicit teachers' intergroup attitudes  Intergroup contact  Cross-group friendship  Extended contact
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