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Exploring multicultural classroom dynamics: A network analysis
Affiliation:1. Department of Child Development and Education, Educational Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 127, 1018 WS Amsterdam, the Netherlands;2. Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 129, 1018 WS Amsterdam, the Netherlands;3. Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 14, 3584 CH Utrecht, the Netherlands;1. Lehigh University, United States of America;2. ServeMinnesota, United States of America;1. Arizona State University – T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, 850 S. Cady Mall, Tempe, AZ 85287-3701, United States;2. University of California, Irvine – School of Education, 3200 Education Building, Irvine, CA 92697, United States;1. University of Maryland at College Park, United States of America;2. University of Minnesota, United States of America;3. Louisiana State University, United States of America;4. University of Florida, United States of America;1. University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Meibergdreef 5, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands;2. University of Amsterdam, Department of Psychology, Psychological Methods, Nieuwe Achtergracht 129-B, 1018 WT Amsterdam, The Netherlands;3. University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, University Center for Psychiatry, Hanzeplein 1, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands;4. Warneford Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, United Kingdom;5. Department of Psychiatry, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Center Utrecht, PO box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands;6. South Limburg Mental Health Research and Teaching Network, EURON, Maastricht University Medical Center, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands;7. King''s College London, King''s Health Partners, Department of Psychosis Studies, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF, United Kingdom;1. Syracuse University, United States of America;2. Medical College of Wisconsin and Children''s Hospital of Wisconsin, United States of America
Abstract:Students' relationships with peers and teachers strongly influence their motivation to engage in learning activities. Ethnic minority students, however, are often victimized in schools, and their educational achievement lags behind that of their majority group counterparts. The aim of the present study was to explore teachers' multicultural approach within their classrooms as a possible factor of influence over students' peer relationships and motivation. We utilized the novel methodology of estimating psychological networks in order to map out the interactions between these constructs within multicultural classrooms. Results indicate that a multicultural approach is directly connected to student motivation for both ethnic majority and minority students. Social integration within peer groups, however, seems to be a possible mediator of this relationship for the ethnic minority students. Due to the hypothesis generating nature of the psychological network approach, a more thorough investigation of this generated mediation hypothesis is called for.
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