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Abstract:Le Christ de la Passion: Perspective Structural . By Olivette Genest
The Method and Message of Jesus' Teaching . By Robert H. Stein
Iconografia cristologica in Terra di Ban dall' XI al XIII secolo . By Pietro Amato
And Taking Bread… Cerularius and the Azyme Controversy of 1054 . By M.H. Smith
Meister Eckhart, Mystic and Philosopher . Translations with Commentary by Reiner Schumann
The Letters of Marsilio Ficino. Volume II
Ignatius von Loyola . By Karl Rahner and Paul Imhof, with pictures by Helmut Nils Loose
Ignatius of Loyola . By Karl Rahner and Paul Imhof, with pictures by Helmut Nils Loose
The Oxford Dictionary of Saints . By David Hugh Farmer
Mother Teresa : Her People and Her Work . By Desmond Doig
The Friar of San Giovanni : Tales of Padre Pio . By John McCaffery
The Monastic Journey . By Thomas Merton, edited by Patrick Hart
The Purpose of the Church and its Ministry . By H. Richard Niebuhr
The Evolving Church and the Sacrament of Penance . By Ladislas Örsy
The Fantasy of Human Rights . By Patrick J. O'Mahony
Oglala Religion . By William K. Powers
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