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Hemispheric lateralization in 47,XXY Klinefelter's syndrome boys
Authors:C Netley  J Rovet
Affiliation:The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
Abstract:Thirty-two boys with a 47,XXY karyotype were compared with chromosomally normal male controls in their performance on six tasks of hemispheric specialization. The results revealed that the 47,XXY subjects had smaller asymmetries on left hemisphere tasks and larger asymmetries on right hemisphere tasks than controls. Analyses of individual right and left side scores revealed that the atypical lateral asymmetries of the 47,XXYs were due to a shift toward greater right hemisphere involvement on four of the six measures. It was postulated that the slower fetal growth rates of the extra X chromosome group might contribute to their atypical hemispheric specialization and the failure of their left hemisphere to gain dominance over their right in language processing.
Keywords:Send requests for reprints to Dr. C. Netley   psychology Department   The Hospital for Sick Children   535 University Ave.   Toronto   Ontario M5G 1X8   Canada.
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