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‘You were not born here,so you are classless,you are free!’ Social class and cultural complex in analysis
Authors:Emilija Kiehl
Abstract:The unconscious impact of differences in culture and social class is discussed from the perspective of an analyst practising in London whose ‘foreign accent’ prevents patients from placing her within the social stratifications by which they feel confined. Because she is seen by them as an analyst from both ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the British psycho‐social fabric and cultural complex, this opens a space in the transference that enables fuller exploration of the impact of the British social class system on patients’ experience of themselves and their world. The paper considers this impact as a trans‐generational trauma of living in a society of sharp socio‐economic divisions based on material property. This is illustrated with the example of a patient who, at the point of moving towards the career to which he aspired, was unable to separate a sense of personal identity from the social class he so desperately wanted to leave behind and walk the long avenue of individuation. The dearth of literature on the subject of class is considered, and the paper concludes that not enough attention is given to class identification in training.
Keywords:cultural complex  social class  foreign accent  transference  trans‐generational trauma  socio‐economic division  complexe culturel  classe sociale  accent é  tranger  transfert  traumatisme trans‐gé    rationel  division socio‐é  conomique  Kultureller Komplex  soziale Klasse  fremder Akzent  Ü  bertragung  transgenerationales Trauma  sozioö  konomische Trennung  complesso culturale  classe sociale  accento straniero  transfert  trauma transgenerazionale  divisione socio‐economica  к  у  л  ь  т  у    ы  й   к    п  л    c  coц  и    ь  н  ы  й   к  л  acc  и  н  ocт  paн  н  ы  й    ц    т    п  epeн  oc  м    к  п        ч  ecк     т  paв  м  a  coц  и  o‐к  у  л  ь  т  у    ы  e paз  д      и  я    complejo cultural  clase social  acento extranjero  transferencia  trauma trans‐generacional  divisió  n socio‐econó  mica                                                            
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