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Influence of sex-role identity on two indices of social anxiety
Authors:Sherryl H. Goodman  Donnie Kantor
Affiliation:Emory University, USA
Abstract:The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between sex-role identity and two measures of self-reported social anxiety. The Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), Social Avoidance and Distress Scale (SAD), and Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale (FNE) were administered to 23 male and 26 female undergraduate students. Generally, sex role was associated with social anxiety for women, but not for men. Androgynous women reported the least anxiety, sex-role stereotyped women reported a moderate amount, and undifferentiated women reported the most anxiety of all groups. Results were interpreted in light of conflicting hypotheses of androgyny rather than masculinity being associated with greater adjustment and the value of a situational analysis of behaviors associated with sex-role orientation.
Keywords:Reprints can be requested from Sherryl Goodman   Department of Psychology   Emory University   Atlanta   GA 30322.
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