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摘    要:人类和个人对事物的认知发展过程可分为感性认知和理性认知两大阶段。思维即理性认知。思维按其意识和复杂性程度可分为直觉思维、形象思维、抽象思维和辩证思维四种基本类型。逻辑学是描述思维的产物即思想的形式结构与其规律的科学,也是为思维提供思维形式与其变形规则的模规范性科学。当代逻辑学按其产生和适用的主要思维领域不同,可分为准逻辑、形象逻辑、形式逻辑和辩证逻辑四种基本类型。

关 键 词:意识 潜意识 理性 非理性 准理性 逻辑 非逻辑 准逻辑 基本类型 认知发展

AStudy of the Baslc Loglc Forms from the Development of Cognition
Zhao Zongkuan. AStudy of the Baslc Loglc Forms from the Development of Cognition[J]. , 2006, 0(3): 17-27
Authors:Zhao Zongkuan
Abstract:Thecognitiondevelopmentofhumanbeingand individual hastwo major phases, emotional cognition and sensible cognition. Thinking isabout sensible cognition. Dependingonthe level olawareness andcomplicaltlon, thlnkingmayhave fourbasic forms, intulflve thiking, visualizedthingkingabstracethinking, and dlalecticthingking. The science ofloglc Is a sclencethatdescribes the resuhofthngking ,i. e. , the structure andrules ofthoughts, his also a sclencethat supplies rules forforms ofthoughits and their variatios. The modem science oflogic may have for basic forms depending oftheing fields ofthindking from which it is created and to which it applies. They are quasi - logic. VISualiZedlogiC formaI logiC, and dialectic logic.
Keywords:awareness   subconscious   sensibility   non - sensibility   quasi - sensibility   logic   non - logic   quasi - logic.
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