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Journal Reviews
Authors:Sedwell Diggle
Abstract:G ad , I rene , (New York). '"Beauty and the Beast" and "The Wonderful Shpp". The couple in fairy tales: when father's daughter meets mother's son.' In Psyche's Stories, ed. M. Stein and L. Corbett.
H obdell , R oger . (London). 'Individual and group therapy combined'. In The Practice of Group Atialysis , ed. J. Roberts and M. Pines.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Education and ecology: psychological reflections'.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Jung and anti-Semitism'.
S amuels , A. (London). 'Le père et ses enfants'. Cahiers Jungiens de Psychartalyse
S amuels , A. (London). 'O espelho e o martelo: Psichologia profunda e transformaçao politica' (The mirror and the hammer: depth psychology and political transformation)
S amuels , A. (London). 'Original morality in a depressed culture'. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought
S amuels , A. (London). 'Parents as messengers', British Journal of Psychotherapy
S amuels , A. (London). 'Pluralism and training'. Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists
U lanov , A nn B elford . (New York). 'The objectivity of subjectivity: the feminist and spiritual strengths of psychoanalysis'. In Jung and Christianity in Dialogue , ed. R. Moore and D. Meekle
U lanov , A nn B elford . (New York). 'Scapegoating: the double cross'. In Lingering Shadows: Freud, Jung and Anti-Semitism , ed. A. Maidenbaum
U rban , E. (London). 'The eye of the beholder: work with a ten-year old deaf girl'. Journal of Child Psychotherapy
V an E enwyck , J. R. (Illinois). 'The chaotic dynamics of everyday life'. The Quarterly Journal of the American Theosophical Society
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