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Perceived infant temperament,locus of control,and maternal physiological response to infant gaze
Authors:Lewis A Leavitt  Wilberta L Donovan
Affiliation:University of Wisconsin-Madison USA
Abstract:Maternal physiologic response was used as an index of maternal attention to infant eye contact. Thirty-six women, each of whom had a 3-month-old infant, were shown 10-sec silent images of a 3-month-old infant on a videotape monitor. In one condition the en face position offered eye contact, in the other condition eye contact was not possible. Each woman viewed a sequence of six identical episodes of one condition followed by six episodes of the other condition. Heart rate and skin conductance were recorded continuously during the session. Skin conductance response did not differentiate between reciprocated and unreciprocated gaze. Cardiac response elicited by reciprocated gaze viewed first shifted from a predominately orienting response on early trials to an acceleratory response on Trial 6. The acceleratory response was most pronounced in those women identified as Externals by the Locus of Control Inventory (Rotter, J. B. Psychological Monographs, 1966, 80, [No. 609]). Initial viewing of the infant looking away elicited a predominantly deceleratory heart-rate response that did not habituate. Mothers who described their infants as being difficult as assessed by the questionnaire method (Carey, W. B. Journal of Pediatrics, 1970, 77, 188–194) were physiologically less sensitive to the change from the infant's averted gaze to its direct gaze. Results are discussed in terms of the role of direct and averted gaze during social transactions.
Keywords:Address correspondence to: L. A. Leavitt   Waisman Center   University of Wisconsin   Madison   WI 53706.
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