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Working with patients with disruptions in symbolic capacity1
Authors:Mark Winborn
Affiliation:Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Abstract:This article focuses on understanding and working with patients who have poorly developed symbolic capacity, or for whom symbolic capacity has been disrupted due to trauma, particularly as it pertains to the use of reverie and interpretation in the analytic process. Many patients who present for Jungian analysis will initially present with deficits in symbolic functioning. This situation results in necessary limitations or modifications in utilizing traditional Jungian techniques such as dream analysis, active imagination, sand tray and other expressive art techniques. The initial phase of analytic work with these patients requires a focus on developing their symbolic capacity before traditional Jungian techniques can be utilized effectively. During the paper Jung's concept of ‘the symbolic attitude’ will be examined as well as the conceptual models of Wilfred Bion and other post-Bionians who outline theories and method for cultivating symbolic capacity and reflective functioning in patients for whom these capacities are impaired or poorly developed.
Keywords:Jung  Bion  concrete thinking  interpretation  symbolic capacity  symbolic attitude  reverie  reflective function  Jung  Bion  pensée concrète  interprétation  capacité symbolique  attitude symbolique  rêverie  fonction réfléchie  Jung  Bion  konkretes Denken  Deutung  Symbolkraft  symbolische Haltung  Reverie  reflektierende Funktion  Jung  Bion  pensiero concreto  interpretazione  capacità simbolica  attitudine simbolica  fantasticheria  funzione riflessiva  Юнг  Бион  конкретное мышление  интерпретация  способность к символизации  символическая установка  ревери  рефлексивная функция  Jung  Bion  pensamiento concreto  interpretación  capacidad simbólica  actitud simbólica  reverie  función reflexiva  荣格  比昂  具体思考  诠释  象征能力  象征态度  遐想  反思功能
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