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Chasing the Numinous: Hungry Ghosts in the Shadow of the Psychedelic Renaissance
Authors:Helge Michael Osterhold  Gisele Fernandes-Osterhold
Institution:San Francisco, USA
Abstract:In recent years a renewed scientific, public and commercial interest in psychedelic medicines can be observed across the globe. As research findings have been generally promising, there is hope for new treatment possibilities for a number of difficult-to-treat mental health concerns. While honouring positive developments and therapeutic promise in relation to the medical use of psychedelics, this paper aims to shine a light on some underlying psycho-cultural shadow dynamics in the unfolding psychedelic renaissance. This paper explores whether and how the multi-layered collective fascination with psychedelics may yet be another symptom pointing towards a deeper psychological and spiritual malaise in the modern Western psyche as diagnosed by C. G. Jung. The question is posed whether the West’s feverish pursuit of psychedelic medicines—from individual consumption to entheogenic tourism, from capitalist commodification of medicines and treatments to the increasing number of ethical scandals and abuse through clinicians and self-proclaimed shamans—is related to a Western cultural complex. As part of the discussion, the archetypal image of the Hungry Ghost, known across Asian cultural and religious traditions, is explored to better understand the aforementioned shadow phenomena and point towards mitigating possibilities.
Keywords:cultural complex  cultural shadow  Hungry Ghost  individuation  psychedelic-assisted therapy  psychedelic renaissance  shadow in psychedelics  thérapie assistée par les psychédéliques  renaissance psychédélique  ombre des psychédéliques  complexe culturel  ombre culturelle  individuation  Spectre Affamé  psychedelisch unterstützte Therapie  psychedelische Renaissance  Schatten der Psychedelika  kultureller Komplex  kultureller Schatten  Individuation  Hungriger Geist  terapia psichedelia assistita  rinascimento psichedelico  ombra negli psichedelici  complesso culturale  ombra culturale  individuazione  Fantasma Affamato  психоделик-ассистированная психотерапия  психоделический ренессанс  тень психоделиков  культурный комплекс  культурная тень  индивидуация  Голодный призрак  terapia asistida por psicodélicos  renacimiento psicodélico  sombra en psicodélicos  complejo cultural  sombra cultural  individuación  Fantasma Hambriento  致幻辅助的治疗  迷幻药复兴  迷幻药中的阴影  文化情结  文化阴影  自性化  饿鬼
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